Christmas Dinner Menu
Christmas Dinner Day 2024
Christmas Dinner - KS1 Tuesday 17th December, KS2 Wednesday 18th December
Online Form for all Parents to complete by Monday 2nd December 2024:
Dear Parents and Carers,
As last year, you can choose which options your child would like for Christmas Dinner on our school form: All Parents and Carers must complete the form – even if your child doesn’t want a Christmas Dinner, so we know who is bringing in a packed lunch.
There is no charge for KS1 children (as they are entitled to Universal Free School Meals) and the cost for KS2 children is £2.50 payable in the usual way, via Parentpay. If you do not wish your child to have a Christmas Dinner, please indicate that on the form. (If your child is in KS2 and is not having a Christmas Dinner they will need to bring a packed lunch from home on that day.) There will be no other option on this day.
Children in KS2 will need to bring a packed lunch on Tuesday 17th December (as there will be no hot school dinner available for KS2 on that day. KS2 children entitled to FSM can order a school packed lunch).
Children in KS1 will need to bring a packed lunch on Wednesday 18th December (as there will be no hot school dinner available for KS1 on that day. KS1 children can order a school packed lunch).
Choices MUST be made by Monday 1st December 2024. (It will not be possible to place additional orders after this date.)
The full menu, with allergen details, is below.
We are looking forward to sharing the Christmas Dinners meal times with the children.
Kind regards, Southmead Team