EYFS Starfish and Hermit Crabs

Meet the EYFS Team

Welcome to EYFS
Our Topic is
Transport and People Who Help Us
The children are in reading groups, so phonics books will continue to be changed weekly but at different times.
Please bring your book bag, reading book, reading record, water bottle and coat to school every day.
Welly Wednesdays
We have Forest School every Wednesday so children will need to bring their wellies to school. Children will need to come to school wearing their school shoes and we will change ready for our session.
Home Learning Spring
Spring 2025
Little City January 2025
Autumn Home Learning
Autumn 2024
When reading a phonics books with your child, please gauge how much you wish them to read dependent on how they are feeling. This could 2-3 pages to the whole book, it can vary each time. We want to help support you in giving your child positive reading experiences as much as possible. Please record this reading in your child's reading record.
Library bus books will be changed on a Monday. Please re-read and talk about a book more than once as the repetition of language and familiarisation of stories and characters helps support their understanding and enjoyment of books. Library books do not need to be recorded in their reading records.
Please scroll to view the videos below on how to pronounce the sounds when reading and practising with your child. The order of sounds we work through is also detailed below.
The Sound Mats and Word Mats we use in class are also available below.
ELS - Harder to Read and Spell Words
ELS Sound Mats
Phase 2 Pronunciation

Phase 3 Pronunciation

Phase 5 Pronunciation

Please ensure PE kits remain in school and have suitable shoes that the children can put on with limited support (e.g. laces children who can tie independently)
Starfish Class: Indoor PE Friday Outdoor PE Wednesday
Hermit Crab Class: Indoor PE Friday Outdoor PE Wednesday
Children are offered daily opportunities in provision to develop their fine and gross motor skills.
Parent Welcome Meeting Information
Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA)
The Early Learning Goals
Keeping your children safe online is important