Emergency and Medical Information
Please note our telephone number is 01271 812448 ext 205. It is vital that your contact numbers and addresses are kept up to date. Please inform staff of any changes immediately.
You must inform us if someone other than the persons named on your registration form will be collecting your child. Please note that the staff cannot release your child to a minor (under 16) without written consent. If you or your emergency contacts are unable to collect your child our Emergency Collection Procedure policy will be put into practise.
Please try to be punctual when collecting your child as they may become anxious if you are late and you may also stop another child from entering Pre-School if it affects our ratios especially at the 12 o`clock pick up.
Our Fire Drill Procedure is on display around the Pre-school. We carry out termly fire drills with the children.
All accidents and incidents are recorded, detailing what has occurred. You or your representative will be asked to read and sign it to make you aware of the situation. If your child comes to Pre-School with an injury you will be asked to sign the Pre-Existing Injury book.
If your child is too poorly to continue at Pre-school, you or your contacts will be telephoned. If we are unable to make contact we will take appropriate action and may consult your child’s doctor.
If your child has been ill 24 hours prior to them attending Pre-school please do not send them in for that session to help stop the spread of illness. If you need to give them Calpol they are not well enough for Pre-school. In the case of sickness and diarrhoea they must be excluded for 48 hours from the last episode.
Children, once attending Pre-school may become susceptible to coughs and colds. If your child is well enough to attend our sessions but needs to take medication you will be asked to sign a medical consent form detailing how and when to administer the medication. Staff are unable to administer medication without it.
In warm weather it is vital that you apply sunscreen to your child before attending Pre-school as well as providing a sun hat or cap.