Southmead Primary School aims to provide children with a rich, broad, balanced and creative curriculum which excites and stimulates their interest, preparing them for life in the 21st century.
Our school’s thematic based curriculum meets all the statutory expectation of the 2014 National Curriculum, but goes beyond these constraints providing children with rich learning opportunities which are the basis for a life - long love of learning. Children learn best when they are highly - engaged and excited by a topic, so we ensure that our curriculum reflects where we live, our place in the local community as well as an awareness of the wider world in which we all live. Our community is at the heart of our teaching and learning and we foster links with local nurseries and schools, RMB Chivenor, the local churches, the library, sporting clubs and local businesses to enhance children’s learning and development. School trips, visitors, assemblies and a range of themed days all enrich our children’s curriculum which is underpinned by our school values and promotes children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
We are constantly reviewing and developing our curriculum making sure that topics are relevant and meaningful to our children, that they meet our children’s needs and spark their desire to learn more.
Our curriculum covers the core subjects of English, Maths and Science. Every child is entitled to equal opportunities in accessing the full curriculum. Religious Education is taught in accordance with the Devon Agreed Syllabus. Foundation subjects including Geography, History, Computing, Art, Design Technology, Music and PE are also taught. We also embed the teaching of Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education (PSHCE) that includes Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Drugs Education into learning across age ranges and phases. In addition, pupils in Key Stage 2 also learn French as their Modern Foreign Language. In order to ensure that pupils make links within and across the subjects, learning takes place in a cross curricular way using a thematic approach. Each curriculum subject has it's own dedicated page which can be accessed below.
The curriculum is linked to the school’s system of assessment and therefore sets out what pupils are expected to know, understand and do, and when. Their progress is constantly monitored to ensure that the most - able are stretched and the least - able are supported sufficiently to achieve every day in every session. Pupil Premium funding is carefully targeted to secure success for all pupil groups.
We are proud of the feedback from parents and carers about our curriculum. Parents and carers tell us that it stimulates their children to ask more searching questions, shapes their learning and enables them to become independent thinkers and learners. This is achieved through fun and engaging topics which stimulate their children’s curiosity and desire to find out
How do we provide for more able pupils?
Pupils who are exceeding national expectations within any curriculum area will be provided with differentiated and extension activities in the classroom. Pupils benefit from no-ceiling, open-ended tasks which encourage high levels of problem solving and questioning, as well as:
- program linked with Braunton Academy for more able pupils.
- Specialist provision in sport, art and music.
- Values led curriculum to empower and develop minds.
- Subject Leaders identify and refer children to local curriculum enrichment opportunities
How do we provide for pupils with SEND?
At Southmead Primary School all class teachers are responsible for providing a curriculum that is suitable for all pupils in the class, including those with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) with support from the SENDCo. We have high expectations for all pupils and are committed to ensuring our curriculum complies with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014. Our inclusion statement emphasises the importance of providing an inclusive learning environment for all pupils including those with SEND. Additional information on this can be found in our Special Education Needs Information Report and Equalities Information and Objectives and on our SEND page.
Our curriculum aims to truly prepare children for the experiences, opportunities, and responsibilities of life in an ever changing modern Britain.
SEND Curriculum
Year Group Information Leaflets
Curriculum Intent:
- Our curriculum intent links closely with our overarching school vision: ‘At Southmead Primary we are all aboard in the journey to provide the best learning experiences for all’ and where everyone is valued, nurtured and inspired.
- At Southmead Primary School, we strive to ensure that we provide all children with inspirational, high quality education where all achieve, in order to prepare them for the global workplace of the 21st century, teaching both tolerance and understanding and promote a community spirit in which all make a contribution.
Curriculum Implementation:
As part of the broad and balanced curriculum we provide, we aim to:
- Set and achieve high expectations for all pupils, including their academic outcomes, ensuring these are recognised and celebrated
- Ensure all staff have the skills and knowledge to provide a high standard of education for all children
- Focus on the core skills of reading, writing and maths and ensure these are applied across the curriculum
- Provide a wide and varied offer of enrichment and extra-curricular activities eg musical performances, The Arts, music tuition (KS2) and visits
- Develop children’s understanding of the importance of leading a healthy, safe and active lifestyle through a range of sporting activities and Forest school; keeping safe; promoting positive mental wellbeing
- Support children to learn about sustainability and provide pupils with the knowledge and skills to help them in their future life.
Ensure Southmead Primary is a community school where we all work together, enjoy learning and are positive of the contribution we make.
- Engage with all stakeholders, ensuring that parents play an active role in their child’s education
- To ensure vocabulary is a key focus across the curriculum
- Ensure assessment is used to accurately inform future planning
Curriculum Impact:
Curriculum Impact Statements:
- briefly summarise, in lay terms, the difference that teaching/learning, research/discovery and extension and outreach/engagement efforts have made.
- state accomplishment and create strong support for programs.
- answer the questions ... "So what?” and “Who cares?"
- convey accomplishments in simple language free of technical jargon.
Programmes of Learning
Compulsory national curriculum subjects at primary school are:
Art and Design
Design and Technology
Languages - Ancient and Modern Foreign Languages (at Key Stage 2)
Physical Education (PE) including swimming
Religious Education (RE)
If you would like any more information regarding these documents, please talk with you child's class teacher.
Alternatively, there is more information on the Government's website.