Southmead Primary School

Southmead Primary School

Headteacher: Mr Nicholas Plumb

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Computing inc. Online Safety

Mr Short is our Computing Lead.

Southmead Primary School’s Computing Curriculum aims to prepare children for their digital future; knowing how to be safe and resilient online and being digitally literate. We aim to offer a broad and exciting Computing Curriculum that caters to all our children’s needs. We ensure children are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. Through a range of digital programs and apps, pupils are equipped to use information technology to create a range of content. We recognise that computing has deep links with other subjects including Mathematics, Science, and Design Technology and aim to utilise this cross-curricular nature to embed pupils’ learning across a range of subjects and ensure digital literacy is woven through all aspects of school life.

The curriculum is led and overseen by the computing lead.

Southmead Primary School use the iCompute Scheme to provide rich and varied learning experiences for pupils throughout the Primary Phase with progressive sequences of lessons from EYFS to Year 6. The scheme was chosen as it meets the current needs of our pupils, provides step-by-step lesson plans, which support teachers’ skills and expertise, ensuring the curriculum has impact. 

Computing is taught weekly and the iCompute Scheme provides detailed planning which is supported by online resources, videos and tutorials. Children experience a range of programs and apps through a variety of devices and computational aids. Children are provided with a broad range of Computing skills, which can be implemented in a range of other curriculum subjects and helps provide context in which to practise these.

• Both computer-based and unplugged lessons are used to deepen the children’s understanding of sequencing, creating algorithms and programming a selection of devices.

• Computing skills are explored through children being given the opportunity to experiment and explore in a range of problem-solving contexts.

• Each term has a topic of focus which links to units explored across year groups, ensuring skills and knowledge are embedded and enable progression.

• Children use Scratch and Kodu, to create, implement and debug simple algorithms.

• Online Safety is a key focus across all years and as well as being part of Computing, is supported through assemblies, PSHE lessons and Internet Safety Day. Children use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies.

As a result of effective curriculum, our children will be equipped with the confidence and capability to use ICT safely and effectively. Pupils will be engaged in their digital learning and able to apply their understanding of computing to solve problems. Children will use a variety of software to support learning and broaden and enhance their digital literacy. Our children will have a good understanding of how to use technology responsibly, keep safe and behave considerately in a digital world.


Technology in the Early Years is not a stand-alone subject. It is embedded across the curriculum as part of the new reforms with in-school and at home learning opportunities. We provided a range of day-to-day technology in our continuous provision including: keyboards for typing, telephones for role-play, ‘BeeBots’ to programme, light boxes, music players and sound buttons. The children have the chance to use ipads and laptops as tools to support all aspects of their learning.


It is important in the Early Years to give children a broad, play based experience of computing in a range of contexts, including outdoor play.

Children in Early Years settings experience a wide range of technology throughout their play including; iPads, laptops, CD players, talk tins, beebots and interactive whiteboards. They use these forms of technologies to access age appropriate software, to provide opportunities for mark making as well as supporting their imaginative play, often reenacting real life experiences both inside and outside of the classroom. Children thrive on the ability to incorporate technology into their learning and through careful planning of their continuous provision.

Early Years practitioners are able to provide a number of devices for children to use competently and independently, to support child-led learning. In addition to this, technology is a fantastic tool to enable children to build confidence, control and improve language development through specific online programs. Recording devices can support children to develop their communication and language skills further as well as building simple IT skills. This is particularly useful with children who have English as an additional language or children who have communication challenges.

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