Southmead Primary School

Southmead Primary School

Headteacher: Mr Nicholas Plumb

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Year 5 Otters and Grey Seals

Welcome to the Year Five home learning page!


 This week, our wonderful stars are:


Leo - Grey Seals

Arthur - Otters


Well done!

Here, you can find out the latest information and our home learning tasks.


Home Learning


Friday 19th July

Wow! It hardly seems any time at all since you started Year 5, last September, and now you are already moving onto Year 6!

We hope you have had the very best year and have enjoyed everything you have learnt, as well as the school trips and activities: Watersmeet river trip; Harvest Festival; Bristol trip; Bikeability; Mini Police, to name just a few!

You have been an amazing Year 5 and we wish you all a fabulous summer!

Thank you for just being you!





Parents/carers: If you have any questions, queries or comments about Year 5, please email the school office on:

They will forward this information to the correct member of staff who will then be able to get back to you regarding your query.

Here is the presentation that we discussed in the Year 5 introductory parents meeting :)

This year, we will be encouraging the children to become independent learners.

We will be placing home learning here on the Year 5 page of the school website. Any resources necessary to complete the tasks will be printed out and placed in each child's green home learning book. Each week there will be a Maths task and a writing or topic task (alongside times tables and reading). Home learning will be uploaded here on Fridays and is due to be handed in at school on the following Wednesday.

Home learning books should be brought back in to school every Wednesday so that we can see your wonderful work! smiley


Useful websites:

- My Maths children have their personal log in information in their reading records

- Times Tables Rock Stars children have their personal log in information in their reading records

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House Points
  • Farah 1542
  • Watson 1560
  • Hawking 1607
  • Malala 1682
  • Key Stage 1: 94.9%
  • Key Stage 2: 94.2%
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