Southmead Primary School

Southmead Primary School

Headteacher: Mr Nicholas Plumb

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Year 4 Porpoises and Dolphins

Welcome to the Year 4 page!

Here, you can find out all the latest information and some home learning tasks.


Parent/ carers: If you have any questions, queries or comments about Year 4, please catch us on the playground, or email the school office at: and we will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible, within normal working hours. 


What we get up to in Year 4!

A reminder to parents, please check that items are named - we have had a few jumpers mixed up recently. If you find a jumper at home for someone else, please send it in to school so it can be returned. Many thanks!

Year 4

Porpoises and Dolphins

Christmas Dinner -18/12/24

We had a cracking time at the Christmas dinner this week. We would all like to thank all of the staff that helped make this possible and the SFA.

With the year at a close, we would like to wish our students and families a wonderful winter break. See you all again in 2025!

Carol Service at St Brannock's - 06/12/24

We are so incredibly proud of our Year 4s. Today, they led the carol service at St Brannock's; performing carols, giving readings (really clearly across the church!) and even finishing the event off with a round of We Wish You a Merry Christmas. If you had the pleasure of joining us, you know how spectacular they were. Thank you to St Brannock's for hosting us, thank you to our parent volunteers for helping us get to the church safely, thank you KS2 for coming to see us and thank you parents and carers for coming to celebrate with us today.

Volleyball Taster - 29/11/24

We were so lucky today to receive a visit from Mr Dunbavin, a volleyball coach. He taught us how to serve, spike and more! We absolutely loved trying out our new skills. Excitingly, he has also let us know that a volleyball club will be starting on Saturdays across the road for children in our age range - keep an eye out for more information in due course! Thank you so much Mr Dunbavin for coming in and we also would like to say a big thank you to Miss Brailey for organising this for the whole school!

BAE Systems, RAF and Royal Navy Education Programme Roadshow 14/11/24

We were delighted to spend some time looking at Science via our visitors from BAE Systems, the RAF and the Royal Navy. We loved how it linked to our module on Electricity. Thank you to our guests and a special thank you to Dr Corney for organising (and for his hard work during the "Pedal Power" segment)!

Exeter Museum 07/11/24

We had a fantastic experience at Exeter Museum, looking at the Ancient Egyptians in order to consolidate our History learning this term. We were able to handle real and replicated artifacts, take part in mummifying a body, learn the Ancient Egyptian game of Senet (we quickly learnt that we have some RUTHLESS Senet players in Year 4!), explore the museum and even see a real mummy from Egypt! Thank you to all the staff and volunteers at the museum for working with us. Special thanks also to our coach driver, who bought us a film to watch on the way home!

Welsh Brass Band 16/10/24

On Wednesday 16th October, we were lucky enough to have the Welsh brass band performers come in and perform to the whole school. The children were mesmerised by the variety of amazing instruments they brought in and they were very comedic! 

Author Visit 27/09/24

We were incredibly lucky today to receive a visit from Dave Cousins, author of A Robot Ate my Grandma. He read us an excerpt from his book, shared how he got into writing, showed us how to use characters to drive a story and even gifted each of us a signed copy of his book! We were all so excited and inspired. Dolphins and Porpoises would like to give the biggest thank you to Dave Cousins, his team and Mrs Cooper for organising such a fantastic experience for us!

Surf club

Welcome to Year 4 - Parent Meeting and Information for 2023-2024

Residential Information

Residential Information 

  It's important to know how to stay safe online.

For child friendly online safety games and parent support please click here


                Home learning in case you need to isolate at home

Please find 1 day's worth of home learning if you are well enough.

Reading Comprehension - Summer  Term

The English Civil War Timeline



Spelling practise at home can often be challenging. Why not try using a multi-sensory approach! Try making the spellings using play dough, using coloured pens, using toys to make the shape of the letters or even during baking with flour! Rap, sing or link spellings to stories and shapes.


Supporting spelling practice




Our whole expectation is that children will read at home at least 3 times per week, this can be to an adult or independently. Below are some ideas to help support you at home with reading and questioning your child. 


Supporting reading at home

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House Points
  • Farah 477
  • Watson 571
  • Hawking 613
  • Malala 574
  • Key Stage 1: 96.9%
  • Key Stage 2: 97.2%
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