Our Governors
Our Governors

"Governors have a good understanding of their role and the school. They use focused visits to provide effective support and challenge to school leaders." OFSTED 2023
What is the Governing Body?
Every school has a Governing Body, which is made up of representatives of the local community who give their time and services to the school. The governors come from a wide variety of backgrounds; and do not have to have experience in education. Governors volunteer their time, and the main requirement for the role is the desire to see the school and its pupils succeed in their education and achieve their individual potential.
The Full Governing Body meets eight times a year to discuss and review any current issues at the school and to look forward to the year ahead.
The Governing Body has responsibilities and duties with regard to policy making and management of the school. They oversee the running of the school by setting aims and objectives for the school, creating policies and agreeing targets. Governors are not involved in the day-to-day management of the school; instead, the governing body acts as a “critical friend” to the head teacher by providing advice and support. Any questions or issues relating to a particular lesson, subject, pupil or class should be referred to the relevant teacher or the head teacher.
The kinds of issues investigated by governors include:
How are children developing academically?
Are they making appropriate progress?
Are all pupils, regardless of age, background or ability, given the appropriate support and opportunity to succeed?
How much money does the school have to spend?
How is the money being spent?
Is the school getting good value for money?
Are the premises safe and fit for purpose?
What burden is being placed on teachers?
Do they have appropriate time, training and resources to do their job?
Whilst most issues and concerns should be referred to the head teacher, governors can provide further information or advice on their role where appropriate. Governors often attend school events so can be approached there, or they can be contacted via the school Administrator.
How to become a Governor
All Governors are elected for a period of four years. Vacancies arise as individuals’ terms come to an end. If you are interested in becoming a school governor please contact the Headteacher or Chair of Governors.
Governors Annual Statement
Governors at Southmead School work diligently to support the entire school community, help the school develop strategically and to hold the senior management team to account for overall standards, pupils’ performance and for use of resources.
Over the course of the last school year governors have been directly involved in:
- Meetings with the Headteacher, Senior Leaders and External Partners.
- Monitoring and review of School Policies.
- Supporting the continuation of Pre-School Provision at Southmead by establishing a Governor-led pre-school with oversight of this provision.
- Visits to school including writing reports on specific areas of focus.
- Supporting the school with external partners.
- Monitoring and oversight of the school, including Safeguarding, Curriculum, Behaviour and Attitudes, SEND, Pupil Progress, Personal Development, Health and Safety, Security, Finance, Staffing and Leadership and Management.
- Regular monitoring of pupil progress at key points.
- Meeting with External Advisors to deliver Headteacher Appraisal.
- Monitoring staff performance management procedures through the Pay and Performance Committee.
- Monitoring the Budget and implementing Benchmarking procedures to ensure value for money, compared to similar schools.
- Participating in the school’s financial audit.
- Monitoring the school’s use of Pupil Premium funding.
- Monitoring Attendance data.
- Attending training sessions both online and in person to increase knowledge and expertise in offering support and challenge to the school.
- Monitoring the Health and Safety and Security procedures in place in school.
- Seeking to support staff wellbeing and ensuring appropriate support and care is in place.
- Monitoring national changes to policy and maintaining an awareness of local community developments.
- Monitoring the School Improvement Plan and Self Evaluation.
- Supporting the work of strategic partnerships and contributing to the work of the Braunton Learning Co-Operative Trust.
Governors’ Meetings are held every half term. Any member of the public is welcome to attend. Those of the school community including parents and carers are encouraged to attend. Visitors cannot participate in the meeting and will be asked to leave if matters of a confidential matter are discussed. If you would be interested in attending a meeting of the Full Governing Body please contact Katie Major, the Clerk to the Governors, via the school office and she will be delighted to discuss this with you.
Meeting dates for 2024 / 2025
Meetings are held at school and start at 5.00 p.m.
About our Governing Body
Under statutory reconstitution, which happened in Oct 2019, the structure is as follows:
12 governors on the FGB, made up of:
1 Headteacher (N Plumb)
1 Staff Member (Annie Da Silva)
1 LEA representative (Matt Vale)
2 Parent Governors (Naomi Goodland and Sam Leggett)
2 Foundation Governors (Jiril Jose and Michelle Turner)
5 Co-opted Governors: (Matt Bowler, Nick Agnew, Samm Bridle, Rich Worsfold and Kelly Hewinson).
NB All Governors have a four year term of office (except for the Headteacher, whose is ongoing).
Governors Information and Responsibilities.

Record of Governor Attendance 2024 / 2025
6.12.24 | 8.10.24 | |
Nick Plumb | x | x |
Annie DaSilva | x | x |
Anne Duthuit | ------ | ------ |
Samantha Bridle | x | x |
Margaret Robinson | ------- | -------- |
Rosa Payne | ------- | ------- |
Matthew Bowler | x | apols |
Naomi Goodland | x | x |
Nick Agnew | x | x |
Matt Vale | x | x |
Katerina Demetriou | -------- | -------- |
Jiril Jose | x | x |
Rich Worsfold | x | x |
Kelly Hewinson | x | ------ |
Sam Leggett | x | ------ |
Michelle Turner | apols | ------- |
Record of Governor Attendance 2023 / 2024
25.6.24 | 23.4.24 | 30.1.24 | 21.11.23 | 3.10.23 | |
Nick Plumb | x | x | x | x | x |
Annie DaSilva | apols | x | x | apols | x |
Anne Duthuit | ------ | --------- | x | x | x |
Samantha Bridle | x | x | x | x | x |
Margaret Robinson | x | x | x | x | x |
Rosa Payne | ------- | --------- | x | apols | apols |
Matthew Bowler | x | x | x | x | x |
Naomi Goodland | x | x | x | x | x |
Nick Agnew | x | x | x | x | x |
Matt Vale | x | x | apols | x | --------- |
Katerina Demetriou | not in attendance | x | apols | -------- | -------- |
Record of Governor Attendance 2022 / 2023
27.6.23 | 25.4.23 | 31.1.23 | 22.11.22 | |
Nick Plumb | x | x | x | x |
Annie DaSilva | x | apols | x | apols |
Brad Bunyard | apols | x | x | x |
Anne Duthuit | x | x | x | x |
Samantha Bridle | x | x | x | x |
Margaret Robinson | x | x | x | x |
Rosa Payne | x | apols | x | x |
Matthew Bowler | x | x | x | apols |
Naomi Goodland | x | x | x | x |
Nick Agnew | x | n / a | n / a | n / a |
Record of Governor Attendance 2021 / 2022
23/11/21 | 02/02/22 | 5.4.22 | 27.4.22 (Budget) | 10.5.22 (Data and R&R) | |
Nick Plumb | X | X | X | x | x |
Annie DaSilva | X | X | X | x | x |
Sarah Nicholls | X | ------------ | -------- | ----------- | ---------- |
Brad Bunyard | X | X | X | x | x |
Anne Duthuit | X | X | Apols | x | x |
Samantha Bridle | X | X | X | x | x |
Rob Horton | ------------ | ------------ | -------- | ----------- | ---------- |
Margaret Robinson | X | X | X | x | x |
Rosa Payne | X | X | Apols | Apols | x |
Matthew Bowler | --------------- | X | X | x | x |
Naomi Goodman | --------------- | --------------- | --------------- | x | x |
Governor Minutes
Minutes prior to this are available on request.