Year 6 Peregrines and Ravens
Welcome to the Year 6 page!
Year 6
Ravens and Peregrines
Our Year 6 Stars of the Week are:
Darcie for Ravens class and Ayden for Peregrines class.
Well done!
Year 6 Homework
Set on Friday 13th September & due in on Wednesday 18th September
This week we would like you to research your class animal (a raven or a peregrine) and then create something displaying your research. We want to make a display outside both classrooms so please take care with your presentation.
You may decide to create a painting, a poster or a model but please remember that everyone should have some written information about their class animal too.
Remember that our 'Year 6 Homework club' is available during Monday and Tuesday lunch times in case you want some help completing this task.
We are looking forward to seeing what you create!
Please read five times each week and record your reading in your reading journals. If you forgot your reading journal - just write it on a piece of paper instead.
This week we spoke about 'Year 6' reading books.
Here are the links to the Year 6 recommended reads websites that we looked at in class: