Year 6 Peregrines and Ravens
Welcome to the Year 6 page!
Year 6
Ravens and Peregrines
NASA Global Temperature
Curriculum Leaflet
Our Fantastic Air Raid Shelter Projects:
Our Year 6 Stars of the Week are:
Evelyn for Ravens class and Eli for Peregrines class.
Well done!
Year 6 Homework
Set on Friday 17th January and due in on Wednesday 22nd January
This week your Maths homework is to complete a fractions activity on MyMaths. The task requires you to simplify fractions, place fractions on number lines and compare / order fractions - all the things we have been working on recently.
You will need some scrap paper to do the working out on. Please make sure you stop after 30 minutes - I do not expect you to spend ages on it.
If you need any help, please remember Year 6 Homework Club is available as usual.
Having completed some incredible poetry in class this week, your task is to write your very own poem at home. It is part of a national poetry competition, where you are in with a chance of having your poem published. Other prizes include books and exciting goody bags for runners up. Everyone that enters a poem into the competition will receive a bookmark and a sticker :)!
Use the 'Wonderverse' planning sheet to help your imagination go wild with ideas. On the back of the sheet is the space for the poem to be written. There is not a particular theme or style that you need to follow, so let your creative side free and enjoy expressing your ideas through poetry.
If you need any help, remember that you can pop along to our Year 6 homework clubs.
Please read FIVE times over the week and record your reading in your reading journals.
If you have forgotten your reading journal - just write it on a piece of paper instead.
Here are the links to the Year 6 recommended reads websites that we looked at in class:
Recommended Reads
Times Tables
Please remember to practise your timetables at some point in the week ready for our times table test on Friday. You can practise however you like - by saying them aloud, by using Times Table Rockstars, by writing them out or something else - however works best for you!