Southmead Primary School

Southmead Primary School

Headteacher: Mr Nicholas Plumb

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Modern Foreign Languages

Mrs Dupuy is our Modern Foreign Languages Lead.

  • Listen to French words, phrases and sentences and demonstrate understanding by getting involved and responding appropriately.
  • Explore and enjoy patterns of language in songs and rhymes.
  • Engage in conversations, answer and ask questions, and offer opinions.
  • Speak in sentences, using familiar vocabulary and basic language structure.
  • Develop pronunciation and intonation so that others can understand when they are reading aloud.
  • Present ideas.
  • Read words and show understanding.
  • Appreciate stories, songs and rhymes.
  • Broaden vocabulary and deepen the ability to understand new words in familiar written material.
  • Write phrases from memory and use these to create new sentences.
  • Describe people, places and things both orally and in writing.
  • Understand basic grammar, including masculine, feminine and neuter forms.


  • French lessons begin in KS2. Introductions to the language begin before this as it is weaved throughout their education.  
  • Lessons are taught in manageable chunks ranging from 15-30 minutes a week. These sessions support oracy, literacy and intercultural understanding.
  • Lessons are thoroughly planned in a progressive model to revisit previously taught language and topics.
  • KS1 French club that excites, invites and awakens their sense of the world around them. The club also prepares the children for KS2 and the National Curriculum.
  • Visual and audio learning through well planned and resourced lessons.  
  • Home learning is supported and independent work is set through the Language app Duolingo.

At Southmead Primary school we aim to develop children’s experience of language acquisition and encourage curiosity about languages. We hope to extend our pupil’s understanding of how language works using their knowledge of phonology, grammatical structures and vocabulary and explore the differences between French and English. Through purposeful and meaningful learning we aim to strengthen their curiosity, ability to problem solve and recognise their sense of identity through learning about different cultures and countries, comparing it with their own.  Cross-curricular teaching gives children the opportunity to access and apply their knowledge throughout their learning.  Language learning supports and celebrates the international dimension. We aim to provide each child with experiences, learning and opportunities that go beyond their time at school.


In our Early Years setting, children learn about other backgrounds, cultures and traditions, including other languages. We provide many opportunities for children to explore the wider world around them through stories, songs and visitors. During registration, children are introduced to a wide variety of ‘greetings’ including those in home languages of peers in their class. In Reception, we offer a French Lunchtime Club. The children thoroughly enjoy learning simple songs, words and phrases and are keen to learn more each week. We value the children’s attempts to apply their foreign language knowledge and skills independently back in class and around the whole school.

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  • Farah 0
  • Watson 0
  • Hawking 0
  • Malala 0
  • Key Stage 1: 94.5%
  • Key Stage 2: 95.0%
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