Uniform Information
Please refer to our Uniform Policy below for further information.
We want all children at Southmead Primary School to take a pride in their appearance. We want our children to wear a uniform that is smart and practical and adhered to by all parents. We feel that the children’s appearance helps to set high standards of behaviour and personal achievement. The school has developed a logo which has been embroidered onto the school sweatshirts and polo shirts. These along with our PE and book bags are available online from This is an easy way to order school uniform for home delivery (within approximately 28 days) for just £3 delivery charge. This also raises money for school at no additional cost to you.
Our second supplier is They will deliver to your home (via Royal Mail at added cost), or to school for free.
Jade sweatshirt with logo
Jade polo shirt with logo or plain white polo shirt
Black or grey skirts, trousers or shorts
School dresses / black or grey pinafores
Black, grey or white socks
Footwear: Formal, plain, black shoes.
(No trainers, sandals or Croc type shoes.)
PE Kit
T shirt in house colours:
Malala - Yellow
Farah - Red
Hawking - Green
Watson – Blue
Black or grey shorts.
Black or grey sweatshirt.
Black or grey tracksuit bottoms or leggings.
Black or white plimsolls or trainers.
Please note that PE kits should be washed and cleaned on a regular basis. A complete change of PE kit is required from school uniform and needs to be in school every day of the week.
For health and safety reasons we do not allow children to wear shoes with platform soles or high heels. All children are required to wear Formal, plain, black shoes. (No trainers, sandals or Croc type shoes.) If boots are worn these should also be plain black. If boots are large and prevent children from sitting comfortably on the floor, they may be asked to change into their PE shoes whilst inside the school building.
For health and safety reasons we do not allow children to wear jewellery. The exceptions to this rule are ear-ring studs in pierced ears, and
small objects of religious significance. However, during PE the wearing of any type of jewellery is not allowed, neither is the taping over of earrings. This policy is in line with Devon County Council and national regulations set by the Health and Safety Executive and the British Association of Advisers and Lecturers in Physical Education which states:
All forms of decorative jewellery, such as rings and earrings (including studs and sleepers), hair slides, watches and other objects, which may get caught or break easily, should be removed before the physical education lesson. The wearing of such adornments create an unacceptable environment for work in any physical education lesson.
Members of staff are unable to remove jewellery as this in itself could lead to accidental harm to the child so we therefore request that if your child is unable to remove an item of jewellery themselves it is removed at home before coming into school.
Wrist watches may be worn but only for the purpose of telling the time. ‘Smart’ watches linked to mobile phones are not permitted.
Hair bands, ribbons / bows or ‘scrunchies’ should be plain. Hair bands should not have large flowers or items attached.
Extreme hairstyles are not appropriate for school and hair should not be cut too short. The use of styling products should be kept to a minimum and children should not have decorative patterns or ‘tram lines’ cut into their hair or have their hair coloured or dyed in unnatural colours or more than one colour. For health and safety reasons and to ensure it does not distract from learning, we advise that long hair be tied back.
Make Up
Make-up, nail varnish or false nails should not be worn to school.
We strongly request that parents mark each item of clothing with their child’s name. We strongly advise that a sun hat be provided during the summer months and that your child’s coat is appropriate for the weather.