EAL (English as an Additional Language)

We are very lucky to speak so many languages at Southmead School!
What is EAL?
EAL stands for English as an Additional Language.
We are so proud of our EAL pupils and of any of our pupils who learn to speak more than one language.
We love sharing the languages and cultures our children bring into the classroom.
Many of our pupils find sharing languages inspiring and we find that some of our children seek out other languages to learn at home because of this.
Where can I find information on EAL?
We are guided by Devon County Council. There is a link HERE to information regarding Devon's EAL service.
We also make use of some resources from the Bell Foundation.
Can I share a language we speak at home with the school?
Please do! We would love to find out if there are any more languages in our area. We would love to celebrate these languages in class with our pupils. Just speak to our Office Staff or to a Class Teacher, to get in touch.
What support will be in place for my EAL child?
Your child will be part of an inclusive, friendly community here at Southmead. Staff are keen to learn and share languages with each other and with the children. Staff always endeavour to do what is best to support the children and to tailor learning to their needs, as we understand everyone has their own personal learning journey. Depending on your child's needs, they may receive additional support to learn English or if they are already confident in English, then support will be available as needed.
Schools of Sanctuary
We are currently in the process of working to ensure that Southmead becomes a School of Sanctuary.
What is a School of Sanctuary?
Schools of Sanctuary is an accredited network of schools who are dedicated to creating a culture of welcome, understanding and belonging for those seeking sanctuary.
As the families of our students know, Southmead is dedicated to creating an inclusive learning experience. Our values of respect, equality, self-confidence, perseverance, enjoyment, curiosity and trust align perfectly with the Schools of Sanctuary goals.
Where can I find out more?
Schools of Sanctuary have a website which you can access here.
If you are interested, you can sign up to the half-termly newsletter here.