Southmead Primary School

Southmead Primary School

Headteacher: Mr Nicholas Plumb

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Tuesday 26th September

Southmead had a wonderful time stand-up paddle boarding with CEET on Tuesday. For those unable to swim 25m unaided, we had lots of nature activities happening which they also loved. This involved individual and collaborative work.

Leo said “this has been the best day ever.” He had never seen a conker before and loved making the conker art.


Tuesday 10th October Lower KS2

What a fantastic group and afternoon we had. Firstly, we must comment on the wonderful manners and behaviour of your students. They were brilliant. They were very happy to walk to the allotment and had such a great time, the time flew and they didn’t want to stop the activities.

Today the children took part in the following:

  • Planting daffodils in a Southmead planter box (this will be their box to always see).
  • Weeding and composting
  • Finding caterpillars and bugs
  • Nature art – autumn leaf rubbing
  • Litter picking
  • Vegetable hunting and picking

The students learnt that the allotment is used for the community – we give free vegetables out   on a weekly basis and including the Brussel sprouts for the Braunton Xmas lunch. The children learn that Southmead receive the Brussel sprouts too so they loved weeding them!

The children got to pick a marrow to take back to school for Harvest festival – well done Martha for carrying this!

Thank you to the Southmead staff and parent helper, we are very grateful 😊


Wednesday 11th October 2023 – Upper Key Stage 2

Our allotment activities continued from yesterday. However, this group took part in a large vegetable scavenger hunt as on Wednesdays we donate vegetables to South Street Church who cook a meal for locals who are on their own or struggle to cook. The students loved learning that their help on the allotment is helping our community.

They were so engaged and an extra mention to Jacob who was fabulous 😊 Your students are brilliant!


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  • Farah 0
  • Watson 0
  • Hawking 0
  • Malala 0
  • Key Stage 1: 94.5%
  • Key Stage 2: 95.0%
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