Southmead Primary School

Southmead Primary School

Headteacher: Mr Nicholas Plumb

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Summer Fair Success

Thank you to everybody who attended the SFA Summer Fair last Friday. We are sure you’ll agree it was a huge success. Seeing everyone out in the sunshine, enjoying events from wellywanging
to hurling wet sponges at a certain Headteacher, was a real joy. The teachers had created some
excellent stalls, with the two Year 6 classes raising the most money – they will each be receiving a cooling ice lolly as a prize. Overall, the fair raised a fantastic £3553.10, which will go towards new play equipment for the school.
Special thanks go to all the children and teachers for creating their stalls, Sam & Lauren from Sparkle & Co, Amanda Farrow & family, Mr Barrett, Mr Braunton, Plastic Free North Devon, Christine, Ben from West Cross Garage, everyone that donated raffle prizes, cakes, teddies and books – and of course to all the volunteers and the SFA who kindly gave their time to make it happen. You did an incredible job and we are really grateful. 

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  • Farah 1356
  • Watson 1810
  • Hawking 1723
  • Malala 1588
  • Key Stage 1: 94.4%
  • Key Stage 2: 95.2%
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